PHONE: 415-761-0399 EMAIL: Tom Forrest
Tom Forrest Resume
Tom Forrest has 17+ years of successful Sales/Engineering/Management/Marketing experience in the software and Internet industries. Combined with P&L responsibility and BS/MS/PhD studies in Computer Engineering, Marketing, Management and Accounting.
Graduate studies in Business and Engineering - MS Degree, Computer Engineering. MBA and PhD studies in Business - University of California, Santa Barbara (UCSB). BS - Illinois State University, Business and Engineering. Tom Forrest went to high school in Illinois.
- 1998 to present HTP Company LLC, where Tom Forrest is Chief Executive Officer and Founder.
We specialize in digital marketing consulting and all aspect of traditional marketing, software product development, search engine optimization, web design, Internet publishing, sales and marketing consulting, pay per click advertising, product software development, web hosting, e-commerce, Internet advertising, web site metrics, service and support.
We are experts in search engine positioning, marketing and business consulting.
1996 - 1998 CSAR.com, Now owned by MSC.Software.com, where Tom Forrest acted as Vice President, high technology software and services industry.
In charge of sales, marketing, administration, Internet marketing, technical services, and one engineering group.
Helped to increase revenue by 304%.Had 142 direct people reporting to me worldwide and 20 resellers/distributors reporting to me worldwide.
CSAR is in the CAE/PDM, Internet and software development industry.
1987 - 1996 HTP Company, where Tom Forrest was President, working with Fortune 2000 clients on enterprise resource planning (ERP), PDM, electronic records management, sales force automation project consulting, post implementation services for ERP software. Managed 39 people.
Prior to 1987 Tom Forrest worked as an Engineer and Engineering Manager for a DOD / Military research division of General Motors corporation in California designing navigation and guidance computers and software for intercontinental ballistic missiles (rocket science).This was when General Motors was the largest company in the world.