How Search Engines Work
The videos below explain how search engine algorithms, specifically Google's search algorithms, work to sift through the millions of possible results. Google's Matt Cutts and other Google employees explain exactly how Google.com works when a user performs a search query by typing in a keyword into the search box.
How Search Works:
Matt Cuts heads up the Search Quality team at Google Inc., specializing in search engine optimization issues. He is well known in the SEO community for enforcing Google's Webmaster Guidelines and cracking down on spam. Cutts is an important link between both webmasters and agencies on how to better position a web site in the Google search engine using approved methods.Cutts communicates regularly via his personal web site: http://www.mattcutts.com/blog/
How Google Makes Improvements To Its Search Algorithm:
Every year Google implements over 500 improvements to its search algorithm. This is a look at how each algorithm change is evaluated by Google employees before it is rolled out on live Google servers located at Google.com. In the video: Rajan Patel (Search Scientist at Google, Inc.), Amit Singhal (Software Engineer at Google, Inc.), Scott Huffman (Engineering Director at Google, Inc.), Mark Paskin (Software Engineer at Google, Inc.), Sangeeta Des (Quantitative Analyst at Google, Inc.)