Local Optimization
Research suggests that over 80% of Internet users search for local listings using search engines like Google. Simply put, this means that if your business is not listed within the local sections of search engines in addition to the regular index of sites, you're likely to be missing out on most of the sales you would be expected to generate from new customers. Local sections of search engines are driving the majority of sales and traffic to local businesses through advanced tools like "localization" which identifies where a user is actually sitting geographically when conducting a search. This helps search engines deliver local business listings without the user having to type where they are, or where they're searching for it. Ever wonder why some listings appear with a map, but not you? These businesses understand localization, and are using it to their advantage in ways that connect them with local customers using the Internet. Again, that's 80% of the people who might do business with you.
While having your business listed in print Yellow Pages or other offline traditional media does work, it's not what it once was - by a land slide. For example, specific research on local trends and the Yellow Pages industry itself (image top right) illustrate a steady decline in the actual usage of print Yellow Pages within a year to year timeline since 2004. This is catastrophic for the Yellow Pages industry, but great news for businesses like you who are ready to identify ways to save their company money while at the same time generating more leads. This is done by taking what you already spend from one vertical and effectively spending those same marketing dollars in another.
A full page ad in the printed Yellow Pages could reasonably cost your business between 3k - 5k thousand dollars per month while fetching just a fraction of the response it once did due to these changes in user habits. Ask yourself this: Would you expect it to be as effective as say a #1 listing on Google Local in your region, viewable 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, from a computer or even a cell phone? Don't continue to spend your marketing dollars in print, while the number of people who are available to see those ads continues to decline. This is called evaluating your ROI (Return On Investment) and HTP Company is eager to help you do this. HTP Company will help you turn those same marketing dollars into more leads, more traffic, and ultimately more business. Click here to listen to our President.
HTP Company understands not only the importance of local advertising, but the ways search engines decipher your relevance, and can increase your positioning within these listings.
What are search engines looking for?
- Accurate, verifiable and up-to-date listing information.
- Relevance to what a user is searching for.
- Ratings, reviews and other social signals.
- Other algorithmic characteristics of your web site. (call us to find out more)
The professionals at HTP Company have been working with local search engines for years and know how to position your site within local listings and increase positioning. If your web site isn't appearing in local searches, or not appearing where you wish it would there is no better time than right now to find out why.
HTP Company can evaluate your web site and assist you in submitting it to local search engines by 1) evaluating your current status, 2) submitting your business, 3) verifying your information with search engines, 4) optimizing your listing, and 5) consulting you on additional ways to promote these listings - all while finding ways to save you money in the process.
Feel free to speak with us today about how your company can utilize our expert team, receive a free analysis of your web site and find out just why so many businesses choose HTP Company to increase their local search presence as well as our other advanced marketing services.
- SEO Services Overview
- SEO Company Lawyers, Attorney Marketing
- Search Engine Optimization
- Internet Marketing Strategy
- When Should You Submit?
- How Search Works
- Local Optimization
- Free SEO Tutorial
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