Computer Consulting Services

In Need of Fresh Ideas and/or Strategic Development?
A one on one consultation with one of our Internet consultants can answer your basic most fundamental questions on where to begin with the Internet as a marketing tool for your business. There is no question which is too large or too small. HTP Company LLC provides both free and low cost consultations (depending on the extent of time required) to ensure you understand methods to be followed when configuring your initial marketing approach. In most cases your questions can be answered in a short 10 - 20 minuete phone call with one of our staff.
Seeking a value in web site promotion? HTP Company LLC has excellent online advertising programs which send qualified prospects to your web site. Our firm has accounts with several large search engine vendors. HTP Company LLC will for a cost of 15 cents to $12 per "click through" have your company placed on Google Adwords, Yahoo and BING search engines for your selected keywords. The price varies depending upon how competitive the keyword is, and how much we have to pay Google, Yahoo and Microsoft for PPC (pay per click) advertising on your behalf.
HTP Company LLC offers a range of products and services including several outstanding software packages for e-business. We can help any business (retailers, manufacturers, doctors, attorneys, etc.) improve their online presence. HTP Company LLC also does advanced programming projects at our offshore development facilities. We have software engineers with expertise in C, C++, JAVA, PHP3, Visual Basic, Perl, Fortran (for scientific applications), HTML, or any language any database. Our experts are available to help solve your Internet problems.
Examples of Basic Questions:
- What is a domain?
- What are search engine spiders?
- What does a URL mean?
- What is the internet?
Examples of Advanced Questions:
- How do I set up 301 redirects dynamically for thousands of pages that change URL structure?
- I don't like my shopping cart, how do I merge the entire database into a new one without downtime?
- My site got banned, what do I do now to get reincluded in Google?
- My large database driven site is taking too long to load and I am loosing customers, how do I speed it up?
Please click here to contact us or phone 805-807-4645 for a phone consultation.